Fix Vim Error

error ‘Taglist: Exuberant ctags not found in PATH’ rm ~/.vim/plugin/taglist.vim rm ~/.vim/doc/taglist.txt error ‘YCM error. The ycmd server SHUT DOWN (restart wit…the instructions in the documentation)’ sudo apt-get install cmake python ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/

Perintah Dasar Linux

1. Pendahuluan 1.1. Cakupan materi Fokus utamanya hanya pada perintah terminal yang biasa digunakan. The focus is on tools and techniques for one shot adhoc tasks. Most of the things in the document can be applied to shell scripting. However, shell scripting is not the focus of this document Hanya... [Read More]

Linux Commands

Introduction This repository contains my personal notes on the linux commands with shell programming course given by sir Durga. This repository is not intended to explain the Linux operating system, but it can be very useful as a reminder of how a specific Linux command works. In the first part... [Read More]

Solved Git Rewel