
Download samba

sudo pacman -S samba

Buat file smb.conf

Buka link smb.conf kemudian salin seluruh codenya

Letakkan file smb.conf di /etc/samba/

Proses konfigurasi file smb.conf

Sesuaikan isi smb.conf seperti berikut ini:

workgrup = WORKGRUP

log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log

Buat konfigurasi sharing sesuai keinginan, contohnya yang paling sederhana:

comment = file sharing
path = /home/namaku/Public
browseable = yes
read only = no
guest ok = yes

Pengaturan firewall

Izinkan CIFS dengan perintah

sudo ufw allow CIFS

Buat file /etc/ufw/applications.d/samba dan tempelkan kode berikut

title=LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix
description=The Samba software suite is a collection of programs that implements the SMB/CIFS protocol for unix systems, allowing you to serve files and printers to Windows, NT, OS/2 and DOS clients. This protocol is sometimes also referred to as the LanManager or NetBIOS protocol.

Izinkan samba dengan perintah

sudo ufw allow samba

Jalankan samba

sudo systemctl start smb

Pastikan statusnya aktif

sudo systemctl status smb

